Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Count Your Blessings

My life has not always been easy. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not complaining at all. However, I have had a little more than my share of bad luck. So much so that several years ago a few of my friends started calling me Job. One of them is also not the world's luckiest person and she once told me that whenever she was really down she thought about my life and it made her realize that things were not so bad. Murphy's Law  may have been written about me. I'm not sure about that but I do have my suspicions.

For example, I have lost almost everything I have owned. Not once, but three times. The first time was through a divorce which left me with my kids, my car, my clothes, and very few of my belongings. At the time everyone advised me to fight for my "stuff." My children were young and that fight hurt them. He was fighting. He was hurting them. I was being a mother. Protection of my children at all cost. Always. Besides, what I lost was material things. My blessings were my children, my sanity, and my peace of mind. I felt blessed and God told me repeatedly that these were just "things", let it go.

The second time was soon after my mother passed away from cancer. I cannot describe the grief I felt during that time. I made a lot of poor choices because my grief was so deep. Within the space of seven months I had lost an uncle, an aunt, my mother, my grandmother, my home, both of my children moved away, and I was involuntarily transferred to a job I did not like at all. My children were far away, but they were healthy and had grown into adults I was proud of. My dad was still with us and I got closer to him than I had ever been. I met a great friend at a new job and I was blessed.

I battled depression for several years, but always managed to keep my head above the water. I met someone who I thought was a perfect fit for me. Turns out he wasn't. This divorce was much easier. No fighting.No kids. But I did lose my home because it was in his name. I did lose my transportation because we shared a car. For awhile I lost my self respect because I was someone who did not believe in divorce and now I was twice divorced. But, you know what, I was blessed. Because I felt so badly I tried to do things to make myself feel better. I did. These things helped me to help a few people along the way. They also made me take stock of my life and do some re-evaluating. It is part of what set me on this journey to be healthier.That choice is a blessing in my life.

So, here is what I know:
I am blessed with two great kids who have become responsible, respectful adults.
I am blessed that they have chosen good spouses.
I am blessed with five absolutely beautiful and loving grandchildren. (I know they love mamaw!)
I am blessed to have a roof over my head. (Many people do not.)
I am blessed to have food on my table. (Many people do not.)
I am blessed to have family that loves me. (And I love them.)
In short, I am blessed and I thank God everyday for those blessings.

I can hear my mom's squeaky voice singing, "Count your blessing name them one by one. Count your blessings see what God has done. Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings see what God has done." Thanks, Mom, for teaching me to count my blessings!

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